Occlusion 1 – the foundamentals and the approach to clinical cases built in maximum intercuspation
- Why is the topic of occlusion so controversial and confusing?
- What are the fundamental principles of occlusion?
- Is it possible to record and maintain the patient’s habitual mandibular position in all situations?
- Does it make sense to do it?
- Can the vertical dimension be modified freely or do we have to worry about the onset of symptoms?

By now, we cannot and should not approach occlusion as a static and mechanistic relationship between the teeth of the two dental arches, but we must instead speak of an “occlusal interface” where the functional aspects are closely related to the esthetics of the anterior teeth in the context of a therapeutic strategy that points to the longevity of the therapies provided.
This course addresses, first of all, the fundamentals of occlusion, with its basic principles, philosophies, and understanding of terminology and parameters. Condylar guidance, Curve of Spee, Curve of Wilson, overbite, overjet should be terms that not only we should know how to define precisely, but especially whose value and implications we deeply understand. Occlusion is not an abstract matter.
It is something that we have to deal with every day and that can cause premature failure of even the most beautiful prosthetic work.
Course Objectives
- The anterior and posterior determinants of occlusion
- The occlusal scheme of the FDPs when only a few elements are restored
- In which situations it is important to use an articulator
- The types of articulators and facebows
- Strategies for setting articulators with semi-individual values
- How to record the facebow and what information it provides
- When to record maximum intercuspation and when centric relation
Pratical Excersises and Demonstrations
- Understanding the value of the occlusal determinants
- Using the facebow and registering the MI position for mounting the definitive models on the articulator; selective grinding on the models prior to prosthesis fabrication
Taking the intermaxillary position with an intraoral scanner and mounting the models in the virtual articulator
Program of this module
THURSDAY (9:00 – 18:30)
- 09:00 – 09:30
Introduction and presentation of the participants - 09:30 – 11:00
The definitions of occlusion, the occlusal concepts, and the determinants of occlusion (Part 1) - 11:00 – 11:30
COFFEE BREAK - 11:30 – 13:00
The definitions of occlusion, the occlusal concepts, and the determinants of occlusion (Part 2)
Exercise con acetati - 13:00 – 14:00
LUNCH - 14:00 – 16:00
Occlusion in nature
The static and dynamic relationship of opposing teeth in contact
The role of anterior teeth: the importance of the anterior guidance
Occlusal morphology in relation to the information
Occlusal contact registration film or papers: how to understand the correct pressure and contact areas - 16:00 – 16:30
BREAK - 16:30 – 18:30
The simplified occlusal instrumentation and their settings in the analog world - 19:00
Welcome reception on the Terrace
FRIDAY (9:00-18:30)
- 09:00 – 11:00
Mounting the models on the articulator: the use of the ear bow and the registration of MI
The role of occlusal imprecision - 11:00 – 11:30
COFFEE BREAK - 11:30 – 13:00
The simplified occlusal instrumentation and their settings in the digital world - 13:00 – 14:00
LUNCH - 14:00 – 16:00
Mounting the models on the articulator in the digital world: when and how - 16:00 – 16:30
BREAK - 16:30 – 18:30
The issues with digital models - 20:00
SATURDAY (9:00-17:00)
- 09:00 – 10:45
GROUP A: Practical exercises and demonstrations
Using the facebow and registering the MI position for mounting the definitive models on the articulator;
selective grinding on the models prior to prosthesis fabrication
GROUP B: Practical exercises and demonstrations
Taking the intermaxillary position with an intraoral scanner AND mounting the models
in the virtual articulator - 10:45 – 11:15
COFFEE BREAK - 11:15 – 13:00
GROUP A: Practical exercises and demonstrations
Taking the intermaxillary position with an intraoral scanner AND mounting the models
in the virtual articulator
GROUP B: Practical exercises and demonstrations
Using the facebow and registering the MI position for mounting the definitive models on the articulator;
selective grinding on the models prior to prosthesis fabrication - 13:00 – 14:00
LUNCH - 14:00 – 17:00
Discussion of clinical cases treated by participants - 17:00
Concluding remarks
Dentist | € 2,950.00 + VAT | € 14,750.00 + VAT for all 6 modules (instead of € 17,700.00 + VAT, that is you get one module for free) |
Young professional under 30 years old | € 1,950.00 + VAT | |
Dental Technician | € 1,250.00 + VAT | € 4,600.00 + VAT for modules 3-6 |
The fee covers all lunches and coffee breaks for the three days and a group dinner on Friday evening. Hotel accommodation and the other dinners are not covered.
Book Now
Book, without obligation, the module (or modules) of your interest. Our secretariat will contact you as soon as possible to give you all the necessary information.
In this module, the topics discussed pertain to both clinicians and dental technicians and it is therefore open to both team members.