Laureato in odontoiatria nel 1986 alla University of Pennsylvania, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA), nel 1987 ha superato gli esami per la parificazione del titolo americano all’Università di Pavia.
Si è quindi specializzato in protesi sotto la guida del Prof. Ralph Yuodelis presso la University of Washington a Seattle (USA), conseguendo, nel 1990, il titolo di Specialista in Protesi Dentale e il certificato di Master of Science in Dentistry. Da allora, pratica la professione come libero professionista a Milano. Dal 1998 al 2004 è stato Professore a Contratto presso l’Università di Parma.
È socio attivo della European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), di cui è stato Presidente da maggio 2016 a maggio 2018, ed è stato Presidente dell’Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica (AIOP) per il biennio 2007-08. Fa parte dell’Editorial Council dell’International Journal of Prosthodontics e dello European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry ed ha al suo attivo diversi articoli e capitoli di libri di interesse protesico. Tiene corsi e conferenze sulla protesi tradizionale e la protesi su impianti sia in Italia che all’estero.
Pubblicazioni - Capitoli Libri
- Gracis S, Gamoborena I, Meyenberg K. State of the Art: Esthetic Perspectives. Chapter 12. In: The science and art of occlusion and oral rehabilitation (Ed. Martin Gross). Quintessence Publishing, UK, 2015.
- Bonfante E, Gracis S. Individual ceramic crowns for teeth. In Ferencz JL, Silva N, Navarro JM (eds). High-Strength Ceramics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Chicago: Quintessence, 2014.
- Gracis S, Vailati L, Galli F. La progettazione implantare. Capitolo 4. In Capelli M, e Testori T: Implantologia. Tecniche Implantari Mininvasive ed Innovative. ACME; Viterbo, pag. 226-277, 2012.
- Gracis S. Combining orthodontic and restorative therapy in complex cases. In: Multidisciplinary treatment planning – Vol. 2 (Ed. Michael Cohen), Quintessence Publishing Co., pag. 1-26, 2012.
- Gracis S, Galli F, Fumagalli L. L’occlusione nella protesi implantare a carico immediato. Capitolo 13. In: Il carico immediato – La nuova era dell’implantologia orale (Eds. T Testori, F Galli, M Del Fabbro) ACME, Viterbo 2008.
- Gracis S, Chu S. The anterior and posterior determinants of occlusion and their relationship to aesthetic restorative dentistry. In: Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry (Eds. D Tarnow, S Chu, J Kim) Montage Media, 2008.
Pubblicazioni - Articoli scientifici
- Faggian A, Capri D, Gracis S. Managing patient treatment through Deming’s PDCA Cycle: A standardized approach in phases that adds value to dental care. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry. Accepted april 2024
- Gracis S, Llobell A, Chu SJ. Contemporary concepts on periodontal complications from prosthetic and restorative therapies. Periodontology 2000, 2023;92:159-196.
- Gracis S, Appiani A, Noè G. Digital workflow in implant prosthodontics: The critical aspects for reliable accuracy. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, 2023;35(1):250-261.
- Gracis S. A simplified method to develop an interdisciplinary treatment plan: an esthetically and functionally driven approach in three steps. The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 2021;16(1):76-128.
- Gracis S, Llobell A, Bichacho N, Jahamgiri L, Ferencz JL. L’influenza delle caratteristiche della porzione coronale dell’impianto e del diametro della componente secondaria su tessuti duri e molli intorno a impianti singoli posizionati in creste edentule guarite: Criteri clinici per la selezione. Rivista Internazionale di Parodontologia & Odontoiatria Ricostruttiva, 2020;40(1):38-48.
- Gracis S, Llobell A, Bichacho N, Jahamgiri L, Ferencz JL. The influence of implant neck features and abutment diameter on hard and soft tissues around single implants placed in healed ridges: Clinical criteria for selection. The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 2020;40(1):38-48.
- Canullo L, Tallarico M, Gracis S, Vela X, Rodriguez X, Covani U. Clinical considerations on strategies that avoid multiple connections and disconnections of implant abutment. The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 2020;40(1):8-17.
- Gracis S et al. EAED patient examination recommendations for interdisciplinary treatment planning. The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 13(1)-spring2018:13-14.
- Appiani A, Gracis S, Imelio M. Profili gengivali in protesi: approccio full-digital. (Italian) CAD/CAM, 2019;(3):10-19.
- Gracis S, Marinello C. Selecting the ideal estethic restorative material: some clinical aspects and suggestions. The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 2016;11(2):260-263.
- Vigolo P, Gracis S, Carboncini F, Mutinelli S, on behalf of the AIOP Clinical Research Group. Internal- vs External-Connection Single Implants: A retrospective study in an Italian population treated by certified prosthodontists. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillo-Facial Implants, 2016;31(6):1385–1396.
- Gracis S, Thompson VP, Ferencz JL, Silva NRFA, Bonfante EA. A new classification system for all-ceramic and ceramic-like restorative materials. The International Journal of Prosthodontics, 2015;28(3):227–235.
- Magkavali-Trikka P, Kirmanidou Y, Michalakis K, Gracis S, Kalpidis C, Pissiotis A, Hirayama H. Efficacy of two site-development procedures for implants in the maxillary esthetic region: A systematic review. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillo-Facial Implants, 2015;30(1):73–94.
- Broseghini C, Broseghini M, Gracis S, Vigolo P. Aesthetic Functional Area Protection (AFAP) concept for prevention of ceramic chipping with zirconia frameworks. The International Journal of Prosthodontics, 2014;27:174–176.
- Gracis, S. Prosthetic and biomechanical factors affecting bone remodeling around implants. European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: 2013; 8(2), 314–333.
- Gracis S, Michalakis K, Vigolo P, Vult von Steyern P, Zwahlen M, Sailer I. Internal vs. external connections for abutments/reconstructions: A systematic review. Clinical Oral implants Reserch, 2012; 23(suppl. 6): 202-216.
- Tripodakis AP, Gracis S, Blatz M, Eliades G. Material interfaces in esthetic dentistry. Part II: Cementing, supporting and veneering prosthetic dental materials. European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 2012; 7(2):215-241.
- Tartaglia G, Gracis S, Tommasi D, Galante D, Lovecchio N, Sforza C. Translation and rotation in human temporomandibular joint during border movements. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry 2010; 3:121-130.
- Gracis S, Genduso D, Imburgia M, Vailati L. La protesi provvisoria per denti naturali e impianti. Dentista Moderno 2010; 28:36-63.
- Grunder U, Gracis S, Capelli M. The influence of the three dimensional bone-to-implant relationship on esthetics. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2005; 25:113-120.
- Gracis S. Clinical considerations and rationale for the use of simplified instrumentation in occlusal rehabilitation: Part II: Setting of the articulator and occlusal optimization. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2003; 23:139-145.
- Gracis S. Clinical considerations and rationale for the use of simplified instrumentation in occlusal rehabilitation: Part I: Mounting of the models on tbe articulator. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2003; 23:1-13.
- Gracis S. Considerazioni cliniche e base razionale per l’utilizzo di una strumentazione semplificata per la riabilitazione occlusale. Seconda parte: Regolazione dell’articolatore e ottimizzazione occlusale. Rivista Internazionale di Parodontologia & Odontoiatria Ricostruttiva, 2003; 23/2:138-145.
- Gracis S. Considerazioni cliniche e base razionale per l’utilizzo di una strumentazione semplificata per la riabilitazione occlusale. Prima parte: Montaggio dei modelli in articolatore. Rivista Internazionale di Parodontologia & Odontoiatria Ricostruttiva, 2003; 23/1:56-66.
- Gracis S, Fradeani M, Celletti R, Bracchetti G. Biological integration of esthetic restorations: Factors influencing the appearance and long-term success. Periodontology 2000, 2001;27:29-44.
- Prati A, Gracis S, Prati S. Use of mechanical devices for the intermaxillary registration in edentulous patients treated with implants. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 1998;80:249-52.
- Gracis S. Considerazioni biomeccaniche e cliniche nella pianificazione delle protesi su impianti osteointegrati. Rivista Italiana di Stomatologia, 1995;64:201-228.
- Gracis S, Nicholls JI, Chalupnik JD, e Yuodelis RA: Shock absorbing behavior of five restorative materials used on implants. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 1991;4:282-291.
- Gracis S e Atlas A. Glass ionomer cements: A new era in restorative dentistry. The Penn Dental Journal1985;86:6-11