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Corso di Perfezionamento in Protesi

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Via Brera, 28/A – Milano – Italia

Il Portale Protesico by Stefano Gracis

Dott. Giacomo Fabbri

Si è laureato con Lode presso l’Università degli Studi di Pavia nel 2003. Ha partecipato a numerosi corsi sia in Italia che all’estero nell’ambito della Protesi Fissa, Parodontologia e Implantologia. Tra questi, il corso del Dott. Mauro Fradeani ha avuto un ruolo particolarmente significativo nella sua formazione.

Dal 2012 è Socio Attivo dell’Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica (AIOP). Socio attivo dell’Accademia Italiana di Estetica Dentale (IAED). Dal 2023, è entrato a far parte del Board of Trustees di FOR, Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation.

Ha pubblicato numerosi articoli su riviste internazionale riguardo alla protesi fissa su denti naturali e alla protesi fissa su impianti. È relatore in numerosi congressi a livello nazionale ed internazionale su tematiche relative alla protesi fissa, implantologia.

Svolge la libera professione a Cattolica, limitatamente alla protesi fissa su dentatura naturale e impianti.

Collaborazioni con i DBA

– 14° Meeting dei Dentalbrera Alumni, 8-9-10 giugno 2023

  • Fabbri G, Staas T, I Urban. A Retrospective Observational study Assessing the Clinical Outcome of a Novel Implant System with Low-speed site preparation protocol and Tri-Oval Implant Geometry. J Clin Med 2022 Aug 18;11(16).
  • Fabbri G, Sorrentino R. A Biologically driven concept to desing the emergence profile around dental implants: Surgical and Prosthetic Considerations to Optimize Hard and Soft Tissues Integration. Int Journal Perio Rest Dent. 2021 Nov-Dec; 41(6):913-921.
  • Fabbri G, Sorrentino R, Cannistraro G, Mintrone F, Bacherini L, Turrini R, Bombardelli T, Nieri M, Fradeani M. Increasing the Vertical Dimension of Occlusion: A Multicenter Retrospective Clinical Comparative Study on 100 Patients with Fixed Tooth-Supported, Mixed, and Implant-Supported Full-Arch Rehabilitations. Int J Perio Res Dent May/jun 2018;38(3):323-335.
  • Fabbri G, Staas T, Linkevicius T, Valantiejiene V, Gonzalez-Martin O, Rompen E. Clinical Performance of a Novel Two-Piece Abutment concept: Result from a prospective Study with a 1-Year Follow-up. J Clin Med 2021 Apr 9;10(8):1594.
  • Pozzi A, Arcuri L, Fabbri G, Singer G, Londono J. Long term survival and success of zirconia screw-retained implant supported prostheses for up to 12 years: A retrospective multicenter study. J Prosthet Dent. 2021 Jun26.
  • Fabbri G, Cannistraro G, Pulcini C, Sorrentino R. The full-mouth mock-up: a dynamic diagnostic approach (DDA) to test function and esthetics in complex rehabilitations with increased vertical dimension of occlusion. Int J Estehtic Dent 2018;13(4):460-474.
  • Fabbri G, Fradeani M, DelliFicorelli G, De Lorenzi M, Zarone F, Sorrentino R. Clinical Evaluation of influence of connection type and restoration height on reliability of zirconia abutments: A Retrospective Study on 965 abutment with a mean of 6-year follow-up. Int Jour Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. 2017 Jan/Feb, 37(1).
  • Vigolo P, Gracis S, Carboncini F, Mutinelli S; AIOP (Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry) Clinical Research Group. Internal- vs External-Connection Single Implants: A Retrospective Study in an Italian Population Treated by Certified Prosthodontists. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2016 Nov/Dec;31(6):1385-1396.
  • Fabbri G, Sorrentino R, Brennan M, Cerutti A. A novel approach to implant screw- retained restorations: Adhesive combination between zirconia frameworks and monolithic lithium disilicate. Int J Esthet Dent. 2014 Winter;9(4):490-505.
  • Fabbri G, Sorrentino R, Cannistaro G, DelliFicorelli G, De Lorenzi M, Zarone F. Clinical Evaluation of 860 Anterior and Posterior Lithium Disilicate Restorations: 12- to 70-month Retrospective Study. Int Jour Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. 2014 Mar-Apr;34(2):165-77. Pozzi A, Holst S, Fabbri G, Tallarico M. Clinical reliability of CAD/CAM cross-arch zirconia bridges on immediately loaded implants placed with computer-assisted/template-guided surgery: a retrospective study with a follow-up between 3 and 5 years. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2015 Jan;17 Suppl 1:e86-96.
  • Fabbri G et all. Anterior discolored teeh restored with procera All-Ceramic restorations: a clinical evaluation of the esthetic outcome based on the thickness of the core selected. Eur J Esth Dent 2011;6.
  • Fradeani M, Fabbri G. Evaluation of Procera Alumina Bridge in anterior regions. preliminary report. International Association for Dental Research IADR general session Barcelona, Spain 2010.
  • Fabbri G, Brennan M, Manfredi M, Ban G. Guided bone regeneration technique in the esthetic zone: A Novel approach using resorbable PLLA-PGA plates and screw fixation. A case report. Int J Periodontics Rest Dent 2009;29:543-547.
  • Fabbri G. Recreating an aesthetic smile: multidisciplinary and metal-free approach using Cad/Cam technology. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2008;20(10):593-598.
  • Fabbri G, Ban G, Mancini R. Immediate loading and flapless, postextraction,single-tooth implant restoration: advantages and indication. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2008;20(10):612-621.
